Ms. Athulya Satheesh is an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK). She is currently working in the capacity of an Academic Tutor at SQA, RAK Campus. Her research interests are in the field of Accounting & Finance particularly in topics such as Risk Management,Portfolio management Investment analysis and Taxation. She is an integral part of Academic Centre of Excellence (ACE) being the assistant head of the Student Enhancement Cell (SEC) and Student Tutoring Cell (STC). Her role at ACE is to provide students with pastoral support, coaching and tutoring students with learning difficulties as well as one on one subject tutoring. ACE is a dedicated space where students and faculty seek advice and support from specialist staff and counsellors. In addition to her role, she was heading the Student Club and was a member of the Campus Events committee which actively involves in organising intra, inter and international student competitions and events in collaboration with other committees.