The aim of the club is to inculcate among students a fondness for language and enhance their literary skillsoutside the academic engagements.
The club will provide a platform for:- Designing Slogans: To enhance the creativity of thought and express that in writing.
- Debating: To encourage students become orators to display their intellectual and independent thinking skills and imbibe a sense of confidence.
- Speech: To promote communication skills of students and help in teamwork, ability to speak and emote before anaudience thereby increasing the emotional quotient of the students.
- Journalism: To promote the ability to organize and analyzethe available resources and adopt technological advancements to present ideas, creatively and artistically.
Club Activities
- Slogan Competition
- Essay Writing
- Calligraphy
- Standup Comedy
- Micro tales
- GK Quiz
Faculty Co-ordinator: Ms. Rhoda Alexander, Stirling Management School
Contact email: [email protected]